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Creating Impact Across the Globe


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Explore the Projects of the Corioli Institute: Making an Impact on the World

Corioli Institute is a nonprofit organization that focuses on providing resources and support to conflict and violence-afflicted communities throughout the world. Our research and projects are dedicated to understanding the lived experience of formerly armed actors (FAA'S) and the communities where they are placed. Our diverse and dedicated team brings in a breadth of skills in qualitative and quantitative research alongside a deep commitment to making an impact. Our work focuses on building meaningful and deep-rooted relationships with communities, consistently evaluating existing approaches to best reflect the experiences and address the needs of intended beneficiaries. Through holistic approaches, we create lasting impacts and build enduring resilience.

Former ANASOC – United States

“I appreciate you. A lot of times, I find it hard when I am talking about [my team members left behind in Afghanistan], but this was good and I am really thankful right now.”
“You are helping…I am happy here [in America] now and safe here. Now I understand that I am a person, and I am glad that you are hearing me.."

Youth Leaders, Fishing Community - Mexico

"I learned to listen, because I am one of those people who does not like to say much…I learned to listen and to pay attention…[and other] positive things”.

“Now, we’ve done something as youth, you know? Because the majority of things are done by the adults. And this gave a greater voice to the women, because the majority of books are focused on the fishermen. The women were left out…so this gave voice to the women and allowed us to understand ourselves [as a community]."

Military Veterans, Veterans Treatment Court – United States

“I talked to a lot of older vets, and one of them saw me one day and told me that there is always a light at the end. There's always a light. The Veterans Court is actually a light for a lot of us. A second chance.”

“Now, I feel comfortable, you know? You know, talking about myself, listening to others. That was the hardest part: just opening up. But, you know, I think I'm good now.”

Shape Up

Unlock Your Potential with the Corioli Institute


About Us

©2024 Corioli Institute.​ All rights reserved. We are a registered charity under Title 57, Chapter 5 of the Code

of Virginia. 501(c)(3) status applies.
We are a woman-founded and

veteran-led nonprofit.


We are dedicated to creating and supporting initiatives that foster peace, justice, and human security. Our work is rooted in the belief that every person has the right to access educational, economic, and social opportunities.

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